All You Need Is Love is a 501(c)3 charity based in the United States that focuses exclusively on education, child safety, and community aid for migrant children and their families on the Thai-Burma border.
How You Can Get Involved
Call (818) 964-0830 to Donate or Contact Us to Get Involved
Children are our most precious gift and hope for the future.

All children have a right to an education which keeps them safe, allows them to have a childhood, and helps them to fulfill their potential.
For migrant children on the border this right hangs in the balance.

Our Strategy
By facilitating connections between our students, teachers, donors, local community based organizations, and global partners, All You Need is Love Charity supports education, community-based programs and humanitarian aid for migrant families on Thai-Burma border. Through these programs, we are working to create space for beauty, strength, creativity and success – space in which our children and community can thrive.
Our Purpose
Provide education, safety, and love to some of the world’s most marginalized children.

Our Mission
To abide by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, specifically focusing on the Burmese migrant community on the Thai-Burma border, by creating mutual and long lasting friendships, partnerships and relationships that empower all of us to make change in the world.
Through these programs, we are working to create space for beauty, strength, creativity, and success
Space in which our children and community can thrive.